Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Belated 6 months update

Miles had his 6 month appointment on June 3rd... here's the stats...

Height: 29" (97%)
Weight: 20 lb 15 oz (90-95%)
Head Circ: 17 1/4" (50%)

So, that meant we had to officially move Miles to his big-boy car seat (height limit on the infant seat is 29"). No more infant seat for him! We're getting used to having to take him out of and put him back into the seat at every stop. Right now it seems a bit tedious, but I am sure it will get better with time.

We have also introduced Miles to carrots, oatmeal, prunes, applesauce, and sweet potatoes. He really loves the prunes, carrots and sweet potatoes. I think Miles would eat so much of them that he would turn orange, if we let him.

Gerritt is off for the summer and has been getting to spend a lot of time with Miles. It's well timed because Miles is in his happy-as-a-lark stage. He is very smiley, laugh-y and loves whatever you have him do. Play on the floor? Okay. Practice standing? Okay. Tummy time? Okay.

Miles is learning new skills every day. He now rolls all directions, sits well on his own, babbles ma-ma-ma-ma and an occassional am-ma (which Gramma thinks is "Gramma"), and tries to grab everything in sight.

Enjoy these pictures from around 6-months of age...

For you, Jae. Cutest onesie in the world!

Sitting on my own.

Smiley baby!

Watch out for that tickly hand...
